Short Mat Bowls Club

We are a small friendly club currently of about a dozen members.
Our club night is in the Village Hall on a Wednesday evening starting at 19.00 hrs.
Six of our members also play in the West Somerset Short Mat Bowls League .The home matches are usually on another evening and away matches are determined by the away teams.
We would like to attract a few more members, especially anyone prepared to play in the league.
Our club annual subscription is £10.00 per year and we pay £2.00 for each evening session.
Anyone interested is welcome to come along any Wednesday evening to give it a try. We will provide a suitable set of bowls but you will have to bring a pair of smooth soled shoes or play in your stockinged feet.
All ages are welcome, although anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or Guardian.
If you would like any additional information please feel free to telephone our Chairman, Peter Bright on 01643 841616.