
SWT Council Business Bulletins

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Benefice Newsletter 10th September

Timberscombe School Friday News 10.09.21

Somerset Covid Update

This week we have seen our case numbers in Somerset remain steady but, with schools returning and the resultant increase in testing, we are expecting case numbers to rise.

We are very keen to get across the message about how vital it is for secondary school/college aged children, households of all ages of school children and staff in schools to participate in asymptomatic lateral flow testing. This will enable us to identify children and staff who are infectious and therefore help to stop the spread of the virus. And we would also like to continue the gentle push to everybody towards retaining responsible social behaviour such as limiting close contact with other people outside your household (especially in enclosed spaces), wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces and where you are unable to maintain social distancing, limiting contact with anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable and to not attend any crowded areas or events if you are displaying any symptoms.

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